3,801 research outputs found

    Enhancing Exploratory Analysis across Multiple Levels of Detail of Spatiotemporal Events

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    Crimes, forest fires, accidents, infectious diseases, human interactions with mobile devices (e.g., tweets) are being logged as spatiotemporal events. For each event, its spatial location, time and related attributes are known with high levels of detail (LoDs). The LoD of analysis plays a crucial role in the user’s perception of phenomena. From one LoD to another, some patterns can be easily perceived or different patterns may be detected, thus requiring modeling phenomena at different LoDs as there is no exclusive LoD to study them. Granular computing emerged as a paradigm of knowledge representation and processing, where granules are basic ingredients of information. These can be arranged in a hierarchical alike structure, allowing the same phenomenon to be perceived at different LoDs. This PhD Thesis introduces a formal Theory of Granularities (ToG) in order to have granules defined over any domain and reason over them. This approach is more general than the related literature because these appear as particular cases of the proposed ToG. Based on this theory we propose a granular computing approach to model spatiotemporal phenomena at multiple LoDs, and called it a granularities-based model. This approach stands out from the related literature because it models a phenomenon through statements rather than just using granules to model abstract real-world entities. Furthermore, it formalizes the concept of LoD and follows an automated approach to generalize a phenomenon from one LoD to a coarser one. Present-day practices work on a single LoD driven by the users despite the fact that the identification of the suitable LoDs is a key issue for them. This PhD Thesis presents a framework for SUmmarizIng spatioTemporal Events (SUITE) across multiple LoDs. The SUITE framework makes no assumptions about the phenomenon and the analytical task. A Visual Analytics approach implementing the SUITE framework is presented, which allow users to inspect a phenomenon across multiple LoDs, simultaneously, thus helping to understand in what LoDs the phenomenon perception is different or in what LoDs patterns emerge

    Supervisor virtual machine for VoLTE service on a cloud environment

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    With the continuing growth of Voice of Long Term Evolution (VoLTE) networks, coupled with the need of Mobile Operators to reduce maintenance costs, Cloud Service deployment is becoming a common application. This study was designed to create a method capable of improving the Operations and Monitoring activities of a VoLTE service that is deployed on a Cloud platform. In this study, we present contents referring to the constituent elements of a VoLTE network, and we review in detail the features of the Telephony Application Server. For this study, TAS used was the Open TAS. Also included in this study is a generic explanation of Cloud Openstack’s behavior. The presented method implies the creation of a virtual machine Supervisor and its deployment in Cloud. This virtual machine is capable of establishing SSH connections with open TAS to extract the Clear Codes report, which identifies the state with which calls were terminated for analysis. The virtual machine contains defined limits, which check if they have been exceeded. If this a limit is excited, the virtual machine notifies the system operator of an incident. This study presents the possibilities of implementation in a Cloud environment, to improve and automate Operations and Maintenance functions in the Telecommunications network.Com o crescimento contínuo das redes de Voice over Long Term Evolution (VoLTE), juntamente com a necessidade de redução de custo de manutenção pelos Operadores Móveis, a implementação do Serviço em Cloud começa a ser uma aplicação comum. Este estudo foi elaborado com o intuito de criar um método capaz de melhorar as atividades de Operações e Monitorização de um serviço de VoLTE, que esteja implementado numa plataforma Cloud. Neste estudo, encontram-se presentes conteúdos referentes aos elementos constituintes de uma rede de VoLTE, e é revisto em detalhe as funcionalidades do Telephony Application Server. Para este estudo, o TAS utilizado foi o open TAS. Neste estudo, igualmente é incluído uma explicação genérica do comportamento da Cloud Openstack. O método apresentado implica criação de uma máquina virtual Supervisor e da sua implementação na Cloud. Esta máquina virtual é capaz de estabelecer ligações SSH com o open TAS, de modo a extrair o relatório de Clear Codes, que identifica o estado com que as chamadas foram finalizadas, para proceder a análises. A máquina virtual contém limites definidos, os quais verifica se foram excedidos. Caso este evento seja verificado, notificam o operador do sistema para um incidente. Esta é uma proposta que apresenta as possibilidades de implementação num ambiente de Cloud, em melhorar e automatizar as funções de Operações e Manutenção na rede de Telecomunicações

    Análise dinâmica comparativa entre 3 tipos de partida engrupada em natação pura desportiva

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    A escolha da melhor técnica de partida para provas de nado ventral é essencial e pode influenciar a performance final. O objectivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise comparativa entre as diferentes técnicas de partida na NPD, Grab Start (GS), Track Start tradicional (TS1) e Track Start com o centro de massa recuado (TS2), tentando quantificar alguns parâmetros dinâmicos essenciais para a realização das mesmas. Com base nos resultados apresentados, podemos concluir que a TS1 é a técnica de partida que permite uma saída do bloco mais rápida, logo será aconselhada para as distâncias curtas. A realização da GS, apesar de ser mais lenta, permite alcançar uma maior Vel e AltCM, o que poderá ser benéfico em termos de distância de voo, local e ângulo de entrada na água

    Análise comparativa do trajecto subaquático de bruços com e sem pernada de golfinho após viragem

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    A evolução da modalidade nem sempre tem como fundamento os diversos estudos realizados. Por vezes surgem alterações regulamentares que induzem essa mesma evolução, tal como aconteceu na viragem e partida do estilo de bruços com a alteração da regra SW 7.4 da FINA4. Em virtude da alteração regulamentar, entendeu-se pertinente realizar um estudo comparativo dos diferentes trajectos subaquáticos após viragem (com e sem pernada de golfinho), analisando as duas execuções técnicas à velocidade máxima, de forma a caracterizar as diferenças entre elas e as possíveis vantagens de cada uma. Contrariamente ao que inicialmente esperaríamos, na execução com pernada a VhCM foi menor. Com base nos resultados obtidos, verificamos que essa diferença poderá dever-se às variações angulares da bacia (ângulo formado pelo tronco e coxa), representadas pela variável Ampli.Ângulo, a qual foi a única a apresentar valores com diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as diferentes execuções. A amplitude angular revelada nos trajectos sem pernada não oscila mais que 3,94º±1,92º. Por sua vez a execução com pernada causa variações médias na ordem do 15,5º±4,40º. A estas variações angulares estará associada a perda da posição hidrodinâmica fundamental, um aumento da superfície frontal de contacto e a consequente diminuição da velocidade de nado

    Propolis: A complex natural product with a plethora of biological activities that can be explored for drug development

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    The health industry has always used natural products as a rich, promising, and alternative source of drugs that are used in the health system. Propolis, a natural resinous product known for centuries, is a complex product obtained by honey bees from substances collected from parts of different plants, buds, and exudates in different geographic areas. Propolis has been attracting scientific attention since it has many biological and pharmacological properties, which are related to its chemical composition. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have been performed to characterize and understand the diverse bioactivities of propolis and its isolated compounds, as well as to evaluate and validate its potential. Yet, there is a lack of information concerning clinical effectiveness. The goal of this review is to discuss the potential of propolis for the development of new drugs by presenting published data concerning the chemical composition and the biological properties of this natural compound from different geographic origins

    Temporal behavior of Ethernet communications: impact of the operating system and protocol stack

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    Ethernet is currently the most widely used networking technology, spanning across many application domains including embedded systems. In this particular case, Ethernet is even used in many time-critical applications in which the delay induced by communication must be short and bounded. It is thus very important to understand the entire transmission process and assess its temporal behavior. There are a number of aspects to consider, including the network protocol, network topology, network elements and end devices. This paper aims at assessing the impact of the operating system and its protocol stack implementation in the end devices on the network temporal behavior. We studied four operating systems, namely a standard Ubuntu distribution with and without a real-time kernel patch, an embedded stripped down version of Linux and QNX Neutrino, and two hardware platforms, namely ordinary PCs and a single board computer based on an AVR32 CPU. We measured the Round Trip Delay (RTD) using RAW, UDP and TCP sockets to interface the protocol stack. We verified that on high computing power platforms the difference between the sockets is small but still significant in resource-constrained platforms. On the other hand, full featured general OSs present rather large worst-case delays. These can be reduced using real-time patches for those OSs, RTOSs, or even removing unnecessary modules, services and particularly, data intensive device drivers. We believe this study can be helpful for system designers as well as for teaching networks courses in embedded systems.Ethernet is currently the most widely used networking technology, spanning across many application domains including embedded systems. In this particular case, Ethernet is even used in many time-critical applications in which the delay induced by communication must be short and bounded. It is thus very important to understand the entire transmission process and assess its temporal behavior. There are a number of aspects to consider, including the network protocol, network topology, network elements and end devices. This paper aims at assessing the impact of the operating system and its protocol stack implementation in the end devices on the network temporal behavior. We studied four operating systems, namely a standard Ubuntu distribution with and without a real-time kernel patch, an embedded stripped down version of Linux and QNX Neutrino, and two hardware platforms, namely ordinary PCs and a single board computer based on an AVR32 CPU. We measured the Round Trip Delay (RTD) using RAW, UDP and TCP sockets to interface the protocol stack. We verified that on high computing power platforms the difference between the sockets is small but still significant in resource-constrained platforms. On the other hand, full featured general OSs present rather large worst-case delays. These can be reduced using real-time patches for those OSs, RTOSs, or even removing unnecessary modules, services and particularly, data intensive device drivers. We believe this study can be helpful for system designers as well as for teaching networks courses in embedded systems

    A stochastic modelling of the dynamical behaviour of highway bridge decks under traffic loads

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    In this paper an analysis methodology is developed to evaluate the dynamic response on highway bridge decks due to vehicles crossing on the rough pavement surfaces. The analysis methodology follows a statistical model running in the time domain. The mathematical model simulates the bridge structure and the vehicle series as a system, the vehicle-bridge system. The bridge deck follows a straight beam model made discrete by finite elements and nodal concentrated masses, with vertical translations and in-plane rotations as degrees of freedom. The vehicle simulation uses concentrated parameters of mass, stiffness and damping. Four different types of vehicles are modelled as rigid masses connected by springs and dampers with one, two, four or five degrees of freedom. According to each vehicle model, translational and rotational displacements are considered. The deck surface roughness is defined by a weakly stationary, second order and ergodic random process based on a well-known power spectrum density of road pavement profiles. The moving load is modelled by an infinite series of equal vehicles, regularly spaced, and running at constant velocity. Only steady-state response is considered. Response data are produced on reinforced concrete highway bridge decks made of a straight box girder cross section based on several spans and support arrangements. Conclusions are concerned with the fitness of the developed analysis methodology and the mathematical model adequacy. The influence of the vehicle type on the highway bridge decks dynamic behaviour was observed. The magnitude of the effects due to the interaction of the vehicles with an irregular pavement surface and their consequences about design and maintenance are investigated.Peer Reviewe

    Estudo económico da implementação de medidas nZEB e ZEB num edifício de habitação multifamiliar

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise dos custos de ciclo de vida de diferentes cenários de reabilitação (básica, nZEB e ZEB) aplicados a um edifício multifamiliar de características correntes em Portugal, de modo a avaliar a viabilidade económica da satisfação dos níveis de desempenho nZEB e ZEB na reabilitação energética de edifícios multifamiliares em Portugal. Para a satisfação do referido objetivo, foram considerados os seguintes cenários de reabilitação energética: - Situação existente: caso de referência, com o qual foram comparados os benefícios de cada cenário de reabilitação energética. Este cenário corresponde à manutenção do edifício dentro das condições atuais de funcionalidade; - Reabilitação básica: cenário que cumpre os requisitos mínimos imposto pelo Regulamento do Desempenho Energético dos Edifícios de Habitação (REH); - Reabilitação nZEB: cenário correspondente à solução de reabilitação de custo ótimo em Portugal, que é equivalente a uma redução no consumo de energia primária de 80%, em relação ao consumo existente antes da reabilitação; - Reabilitação ZEB: cenário equivalente ao cenário nZEB, onde se utilizam as mesmas soluções de isolamento térmico da envolvente e os equipamentos para a climatização e preparação das Águas Quentes Sanitários (AQS), mas que difere do anterior devido à utilização de um sistema fotovoltaico para anular as necessidades energéticas remanescentes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resposta cardiovascular a um protocolo de exercício resistido a 70% 1RM

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    Introdução: O sedentarismo enquadra-se como sendo um fator de risco para doenças crônicas degenerativas, sendo importante a pratica de atividade física para contornar essa situação. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a resposta cardiovascular da frequência cardíaca aguda após a um protocolo de exercício resistido à 70% 1RM. Material e Métodos: Foram analisados 13 voluntários saudáveis (idade= 21,23 ± 3,47), de ambos os sexo (9 homens e 4 mulheres) e praticantes de atividade física regularmente há pelo menos 12 meses. Foram submetidos a um teste de 1RM, estratificação amostral e a um protocolo de protocolo de exercício resistido a 70% 1RM, sendo feito 6 series de 10 repetições do exercício supino reto. A aferição da frequência cardíaca foi feitas através de um medidor de frequência cardíaco Polar FT7.Resultados e discussão: Como resultado, a frequência cardíaca mostrou-se elevado durante todo o exercício 91,40 ±11,82; 94,80 ±19,10; 97,00 ±19,19; 93,30 ±17,51;94,10 ±17,05; 108,50 ±108,50 sendo 1º,2º,3º,4º,5º e 6º serie respectivamente.Considerações Finais: A partir do achado, conclui-se que a frequência cardíaca serve como forma de orientar um treino mais seguro, porem, o exercício resistido mostrou-se elevar a frequência cardíaca devendo ser feito maiores analises

    Acoustic evaluation of beam and pot slabs with lightweight regularization layers: a case study

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    The objective of this work is to evaluate the acoustic performance of beam and pot slabs with regularization layers made of lightweight concrete. The study consists on the analysis of the acoustic behaviour of three types of solutions, through the execution of "in situ" measurements for the determination of the airborne sound insulation index and of the impact sound insulation index. The studied elements have the same support element (concrete slab), but regularization layers made of different materials. The regularization layers studied were: concrete with granulated expanded polystyrene, concrete with expanded clay aggregates and cellular concrete. The acoustic performance of the three slabs is evaluated and compared with the performance of conventional solutions in way of evaluating their potentialities